Here is our finalized map of Jesse James real travels in comparison to his Dime Novel appearances. The layer of black dots is the locations he visited in the Dime Novels. The colored dots are places we know he went to in real life with each color corresponding to a different action. In order to see what each color represents click on the button on the map in the top left. The final layer is that of a heat map of his real appearances. This is meant to act as a way to show how far in reality Jesse James was likely to have gone. If a black dot was inside the heatmap it was deemed as a possible place he went to. If it was in a state that had a real location but was not within the heat map of that location it was deemed unlikely but possible. If it was near the heat map but not within the heat map it was just unlikely. Finally if it was far from the heat map or known to be untrue it was deemed impossible.