Wilson, Herbert Couper

This map is one of the first topographic maps and defining features of the Carleton Arboretum. It was created by Carleton graduate Herber Cooper Wilson who later became an Astronomy and Math proffessor at Carleton.

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This vegetational map from 1964 shows the different types of vegetation and land forms in Carleton's arboretum. The map's date is estimated, but archivers are confident it is from between 1963 and 1970 as shows the Goodhue dorm which was built in 1963, but is missing the Earth Day forest which was planted in 1971.

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Carleton Staff

This map shows the plans for the Carleton farm from 1965-66. At this point, much of the restorations in the current Arboretum are not planted, and much of the Lower Arb is part of the farm. The main crops planted in this year include beans, hay, oats and corn, and this map also includes the specific distributions for each of these crops.

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Stewart, D. Blake

This cartographic map from 1966 shows the lower and upper arb as well as Carleton's campus boundaries. It also included crops and farm lands that did not belong to the college.

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McMinn, D. G, and Ramette, R. W.

This map was created by the Carleton chemistry department in 1971. It has maps of the different trails in the arb at the time, seperated by footpaths, ski/bike paths, and places where cars can go.

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This map shows the arb and campus boundaries from 1990. It includes different forest features, restoration fields, and noteable locations throughout the arb.

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This is a topographic map of the arboretum from 1996. It shows different land features in the arb as well as specific habtiats and the arb boundaries as they relate to Carleton's campus. As of this point in time, twenty contiguous acres have been cleared of buckthorn in the oak savanna since the project began in 1994.

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Mullins, Michael

This map from 1999 was created by the Carleton biology department. It was created to better understand Minnesota's 2 protected turtle species (the Wood Turtle and the Blanding Turtle) and their habitats in the arboretum.

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This topgraphic map is part of a six part collection of mapping the Arb's history from 1996-2012. It has detailed information about topgraphy, landscapes, and different boundaries throughout the arboretum in 2000.

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This map is part of a six part collection that maps different aspects of the Arb from 1996-2012. It has information about different habitats, topography, and restoration fields throughout the Arb's boundaries in 2003.

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This map is part of a six part collection that maps different aspects of the Arb from 1996-2012. It has information about different habitats, topography, and restoration fields throughout the Arb's boundaries in 2008.

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This map is part of a six part collection that maps different aspects of the Arb from 1996-2012. It has information about different habitats, topography, and restoration fields throughout the Arb's boundaries in 2012.

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