To create this project, we started first with processing the raw data we received from the OCS office. This consisted of narrowing the data down to elements that would be helpful in the context of our goal.
To do this, we cleaned the data using Open Refine. This software allowed us to delete redundant columns in the data and create uniformity among the entries. We also decided to delete and ignore the programs that have been canceled over the past few years due to COVID-19. Additionally, to format the programs in a way that ArcGIS, our mapping software, could understand, we wrote a Python code so the entries could be formatted correctly and dates of each program would transfer correctly across platforms on the CSV. This adjustment was key for the time enabled slider, so that programs could be refined by year.
For the personalization of the map, we decided on a uniform naming convention for the photos, and then uploaded them to a public HTML folder. This way, we could include the photos on our StoryMap. We also pulled important quotes from the memories page and pasted this into our StoryMap data sheet.