Dacie Moses was a former Carleton College librarian, who shared a deep connection with Carleton and many students here. After her death, her house was given to Carleton and now is always open to students who want to bake and experience a feeling of home. The house always has ingredients for Dacie’s favorite cookies, but a rule is that anything baked with the ingredients there must be kept in the house and shared with others. Dacie Moses house is extremely important to the Carleton community and even hosts weekend brunches, which are open to all!
Image: Dolezal, Megan. “The Cookie House.” 2014. Carleton College Website. https://apps.carleton.edu/voice/?story_id=1244601&issue_id=1198761. Accessed March 4th, 2021.
“Dacie Moses House – Dacie Moses House.” 2020. Accessed March 3, 2021. http://finalproject.msandweissart.com/blog/.
“Dacie Moses House – Carleton College.” Carleton College. Accessed March 3, 2021. https://www.carleton.edu/dacie/.