Spring Concert, fondly known as “Sproncert,” is an annual music festival hosted by Carleton in the Spring trimester. The first Spring Concert was in 1979, and the most recent one occurred in 2019, because Sproncert 2020 was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID. In the past, Carleton has hosted many famous artists including Gold Link, Kehlani, T-Pain, DRAM, and Smash Mouth! These artists are opened for by the student winners of Carleton’s annual Battle of the Bands competition. The day is filled with music, good food and ends with fireworks!
Demetriades, Lucas. “IMG_5381-1.” Published in blog post “Sproncert: Lucas reflects on his first Spring Concert experience,” Carleton Admissions Blog, June 10, 2019. Accessed March 13, 2021. https://www.carleton.edu/admissions/blog/sproncert-2019/
Carleton Admissions Blog. “Spring Concert Playlist.” Carleton Admissions. Accessed March 13, 2021. https://www.carleton.edu/admissions/explore/outside-class/springconcert/
Casey, Fiona. “Drinking with the Oles and a T-Pain teapot: “Sproncert” through the decades.” The Carletonian, May 30, 2020. Accessed March 13, 2021. https://thecarletonian.com/2020/05/30/drinking-with-the-oles-and-a-t-pain-teapot-sproncert-through-the-decades/