Traying is a popular and well-loved activity here at Carleton. In this tradition, students steal trays from the two dining halls and sled down the Hill of Three Oaks or Bell Field slope. Although we have photographic evidence that it has existed since the 1970s, not much else is known about the origins of the activity or its start date.
Unknown creator. “48917-7329.jpg,” 20170628_SlideScanningProject/data/originals/48917, Set Ds 31: Student athletic activities, Carleton College Archives. n.d. Accessed March 13, 2021.
Quimby, Charles R. “Not a varsity sport, coed traying took place on the Evans Hill swooping down to Bell Field.” Carleton College Archives, via Class of 1971 Photo Gallery, Carleton College. Accessed March 13, 2021.
Robinson, Jevon. “Traying 101: Jevon shares some tips on Traying down Evans Hill.” Carleton Admissions Blog. February 12, 2019. Accessed March 13, 2021.
Taratsas, Andriana. “Winter Traditions: Andriana talks about winter traditions at Carleton.” Carleton Admissions Blog. February 15, 2020. Accessed March 13, 2021.