In 1936, Paul Domke and John Caton, two Carls, left for China as a part of the Carleton-in-China program. They initially went to teach English at the Ming I Middle School in Shaanxi Province. In the three years that they stayed, they traveled to several other provinces, meeting new people and exploring this new culture. Little did they know, they would see first hand the effects of the Japanese invasions during World War II. Explore their intersection with this important historical event and many of their other travels in this website.
Note: Throughout the website, we use pinyin to romanize the Chinese characters. In Domke’s oral interview and letters, he often used the Wade-Giles romanization or his own system. Domke’s writing is italicized and in quotation marks.
Wondering how to begin your journey through their travels? We suggest that you follow the pages in this order: