
This website showcases our final project for DGAH 110: Hacking the Humanities from Winter Term 2021. With the help of ArcGIS, the project looks at:
  1.  How Carleton's student body evolved in geographical makeup
  2.  How alumni have expanded their global reach
  3.  How previous alumni influenced academic/career decisions of students/alumni who came after


Home displays the final StoryMap produced from the data and geographical visualization in ArcGIS.

Process describes the data collection and cleaning process, as well as translating the data into ArcGIS feature layers and formatting them onto a StoryMap.

Presentation embeds a Pecha Kucha style summary of the main trends observed from the data, such as a decrease in current students from the Midwest.


Grace Brindle is a senior History major and Digital Arts & Humanities minor from Westfield, NJ.
Dominic Enriquez is a junior Computer Science and Statistics major from St. Paul, MN.
Henrie Friesen is a sophomore planning to major in Computer Science with a focus on Environmental Studies from St. Paul, MN.
Ethan Li is a sophomore planning to major in Chemistry and Environmental Studies from Beijing, China.
David Rubin is a senior English major from Ann Arbor, MI.
Ray Xu is a freshman planning to major in Computer Science.