Top 50 Graduate Institutions Attended by Carls

A data point map of the Top 50 most popular graduate schools for prior Carls from 1990 to 2015, with each circle representing one certain institution and its radius (weighted) corresponding to the total number of prior Carls enrolled. The map has a collapsible legend on the right, and you can access more information on each institution by clicking on the data points.

You can access the interactive web app here.

Here is an embedded version:

Heat Map of Top 50

A heat map of the Top 50 most popular graduate schools for prior Carls from 1990 to 2015, showing trends for enrollment across different continental regions. The map also has a collapsible legend and interactive pop-ups at each data point.

It can also be accessed via this link.

Here is the embedded version:

Map of Popular Institutions by Major

A data point map of the most popular graduate institutions for prior Carls of specified majors from 1990 to 2015, with each point representing one certain institution and its color representing each major. The map’s interactive legend allows users to filter in and out which majors they want to view, so you can isolate certain studies and see trends for different fields instead of degree types.

You can also view it in a separate window here.

Here is the embedded version:

Doctoral and Masters Heat Maps

Two heat maps of the Top 50 most popular graduate schools for prior Carls from 1990 to 2015, one for masters programs and the other for doctoral programs, through which a viewer can compare the differences of trends based on the geo-location and career opportunities. Both maps come with a standard legend and pop-up features.

The doctoral heat map can be accessed via this link, and the masters heat map is accessible here.

Here are the embedded versions:

