Bar Chart Race

Below is a bar chart race displaying the top 10 states that Carleton students hailed from each year. It starts in 1965 and shows every fifth year until now.

Minnesota comes out on top for the most students every year (as expected) but over time, the number of students decreases. We see the highest number of Minnesotans in 1975 (149 Students) and the lowest in 2015 (78 Students). This shows that Carleton is more accepting of other states as the years go on.

In 2023, we expected the runner-up states to be neighboring states but it turned out to be California, Texas, New York, and even China which isn’t in the US.

Below is the same style of visualization for international students.

To create these bar chart races, we used data from the Carleton Zoobooks.

At the end of each page, they show a US Map with the number of students coming from each state that year. With those values, we were able to create this racing bar.

This is what the dataset looked like after transferring the values from the Zoobooks.
