Carleton Professors and Their Degrees

Hacking the Humanities Final Project

By: Sunniva Maharjan, Molly Bratton, and Gus Brooks-Johnson

For our final project, nicknamed CarlProfs, we decided that it would be interesting to look at what universities Carleton professors obtained their degrees from and if they were any patterns between them. We created many different data visualizations, such as a timeline and a 3D model, to illustrate our findings. We even talked to some of the professors themselves to learn more about their experiences at various universities and how it has had an effect on their time here at Carleton College. Overall, this project illustrates a central idea of the Digital Arts and Humanities field; utilizing the techniques of data analysis and digital representation to traditional questions in the humanities and social sciences. By making digital models of humanitarian data with various techniques we’ve learned in our Hacking the Humanities class, it allows us to see facets of the data that would otherwise be difficult to extract.

The Carleton Archives house many artifacts related to the history of Carleton, including diplomas from past Carls. We created 3D models using Polycam and SketchFab for two of these diplomas that we found interesting. The process involved going to the archives, located on the first floor of the Libe, and photographing these diplomas from many different angles, all while keeping the lighting consistent. These diplomas are closely related to our project because of the diplomas are a physical representation of people getting their Bachelor degrees from Carleton.